Yeezy x Pornhub

Yeezy x Pornhub sweatshirt, Yeezy pants, Yeezy 350 V2 Butter sneakers

23 odpowiedzi na “Yeezy x Pornhub”

  1. Mam pytanie o insta – masz jakiś zamysł na jego estetykę, dobór kolorów? W sensie jak utrzymujesz taki miły w odbiorze feed bez filtrów (wspominałaś kiedyś że nie używasz)? Sama bym wolała odejść od filtrów, ale wtedy mam wrażenie że nic do siebie nie pasuje, no a u ciebie pasuje 😀

  2. zęby jak zęby, to czy ładnie się wygląda z uśmiechem jest wg mnie bardziej kwestią mimiki niż samego uzębienia – czasami osoby z krzywymi zębami mają ładny uśmiech a z prostymi nie. a wybielam co około 1,5-2 lata, teraz muszę iść a metoda to nawet nie wiem, taki żel + światło u dentysty

  3. Ślepo podążacie za wszystkim, co robi Kim ze swoich ubrań, włosów i operacji, nie myśląc o sobie? Gdybyś zrobił swoje badania, poznałbyś rasistowską historię stojącą za białymi kobietami noszącymi warkocze i innymi afrykańskimi fryzurami w niewłaściwym kontekście i przez usuwanie wpływów czarnych kobiet w tym stylu. Wiedziałbyś, że Kim rozzłościła całą społeczność czarnych kobiet, robiąc takie włosy i wciąż nie dostrzegając czarnych kobiet, które stworzyły tę fryzurę. Wiesz, że kiedy czarne kobiety noszą jej włosy w ten sposób, są obrażane, ale kobiety lubią i Kim są chwalone, którzy przywłaszczają im coś, co jest dla nich naturalne, a na dodatek nie uznaje ich!

  4. You just blindly follow everything Kim does from her clothes, hair to her surgeries without thinking for yourself? If you had done your research you would learn the racist history behind white women wearing braids and other African hairstyles in the wrong context and by erasing black women’s influence in this style. You would have known that Kim angered an entire community of black women by doing her hair like this and continuing to not acknowledge black women who have originated this hairstyle. You would know that when a black women wears her hair this way she’s insulted but women like and Kim are praised who appropriating something that is natural to them and on top of that not acknowledging them!

  5. Sorry but black women did not invent the braids and this type of hair style is not exclusive for african cultures. It also occurs in other cultures, like scandinavian and slavic ones. And really, when a white woman wears her hair in cornrows, it's obviously not because she despises the culture of African Americans but more like totally on the contrary, because she admires it, admires this style and its aesthetic values. Just stop creating divisions and finding hostility, and humiliation where there are none.

  6. Actually, corn rows are a black hairstyle that has a rich history. In America, the style came from slaves who had to a) cover their hair as it was considered unsightly to whites) and b) keep it plaited to keep it clean and easy to maintain when working outside. Black slaves had sundays to attend church and wanted to keep their hair as fresh lookin’ as they could as they did not receive much free time from their “owners” to truly dress up and keep up certain beauty practices. Come Sunday they would let their hair out of braids.

    Other braid styled have arisen from such practices and developed their own meanings.

    Protective styles for black women’s hair extends beyond beauty. Much of it stems from oppression and self expression in light of that. In the modern era, black people have been labeled as “thugs,” “unintelligent,” “underqualified,” and more for wearing braids whereas whites who wear the style today are praised for their look. This is where the issue of cultural appropriation arises. It is, in part, through the ignorance of our history that a non-black person wearing box braids/cornrows/ etc. becomes problematic. Rather than appreciation, it is indeed appropriation.

    I recommend you read more on the subject. This is a great article that explains why looks like these are an issue.

    the point of calling out appropriation is not to humiliate but to teach others of their privelege and how it works to further oppress marginalized people. Small things like this play into the larger issue of systematic oppression.

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